Only Backendless.User accepted backendless.min.js:45

The situtationis is as follows:
the user logins and then updates his profile with this code: = "dan";

it works perfect.
if the user exits and initiates the app again (the stayloggedin parameter is set to true) this code is executed

 if(Backendless.UserService.getCurrentUser()!== null)
 user = Backendless.UserService.getCurrentUser();

and then tries to update his profile with the code mentioned at the beggining, the following eror shows up:
Only Backendless.User accepted (at backendless.min.js:45)
i’ve printed the user object in the first case and second case. They only differ in the property user-token, which the first one doesn’t have. I’ve tried deleting the property with

 delete user['user-token'];

Both users (the one before reload and afterwards) are the same. But i still get the same error.
Finally i have tried also asynchronous:

Backendless.UserService.update( user, new Backendless.Async( userUpdated, gotError ) );

it does not work either.
I suspect it has something to to with the Backendless.UserService.getCurrentUser() after the call to Backendless.initApp

Could you please try this:

    Run your code with this script instead of backendless.min.js:

    Take screenshots in Chrome’s Network tab of what the browser sends for the update request in both cases. Please post the screenshots here.

Thanks, Mark

There are no outgoing messages for the error call. The error is now on line 1329


What is the line number where the second call fails? Can you catch the stack trace for it in Chrome?

Uncaught Error: Only Backendless.User accepted backendless.js:1329
UserService.update backendless.js:1329

Based on the code it looks like the object in the update() call is not an instance of Backendless.User. We will have to look into it. It appears the object is not retrieved from LocalCache properly

Thanks for your asistance

Best regards


Hi Mark,

Is the fix for this scheduled for the next release? If so, when will it be?

Best regards,


Hi Nicolas,

I believe it is fixed. Could you please try with:



Well, there is a big problem. The stay logged in option is not working.

According to the new documentation the way to validate if a user token is valid is by using

var userTokenIsValid = Backendless.UserService.isValidLogin();

Upon reentering the app i get the token is true, yet the user variable remains as undefined. Where should i load the user from?

By the way, there is a error in the documentation.
at the beginning it says


but then it says


The first one is the correct one, albeit it doesn’t work


The script works. The problem is in the doc. I will update it in a minute.

See this (and try the code there):

Please let me know once you try it so I can delete the app (the app-id and secret key are exposed…)

I will update the doc in a minute.


It works, thank you Mark :slight_smile:

I spoke to soon. Now it recovers the user object properly from the local storage, however it does not allow me to update the user. The same problem as the beginning of the thread:

Error: Only Backendless.User accepted

You’re right. I played with it some more and the object from the local cache is returned untyped, which is the root cause of the problem. I will escalate this problem and it will be fixed asap.

I apologize it is taking us so long…


Here’s how it is going to work:

    Backendless.UserService.isValidLogin() - will return true or false whether the current user-token is valid. If it is valid, then the user does not need to re-login and your app can proceed without it. Backendless.UserService.loggedInUser() - IF you set stayLoggedIn to true, this method will return user's objectId. We decided NOT to store user object on the client. You would need to retrieve it with an API call (see below) Backendless.Data.of( Backendless.User ).findById( objectId ) - retrieves Backendless.User object for the given user id. The argument is the result of method from (2).
The updated script will be on the site some time tomorrow.


Nicolas, the library has been updated on our site:

The doc will be updated next to reflect the changes.

Mark, Sorry for the late answer.

Yes, finally, it works perfectly :slight_smile:


Hi Nicolas,

I am so glad to hear that. Thanks for confirming.


While updating a user profile, which was working previously, i get this error:

PUT 504 (Gateway Time-out)  <html>
<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>