Page Enter Event Training

In the training, I’m stuck on the page-enter event training

First, I don’t see the logic icon to the right. and then I click on the word Logic near the User Interface menu across the top on the right and click on Page Enter, then go to the text and place the wording I want to place, and when I go to validate, it fails. help.

Hello @Domingo_Serrano

Welcome to our community and thank you for trying out Backendless.

We will be happy to assist you. I need to ask you a few more questions so I can understand the problem better.
Could you describe your steps in more detail, maybe with screenshots?

You are talking about this icon:



yes - don’t see it.

Make sure to select a component on the page or the page itself. The icon shows up when a component or the page is selected.

what do you mean? can you show me an example?

Here’s a video with an example:

it helps, so then you add “On Page” enter a text and then validate correct. What if you can’t validate and it fails?

If the validation fails, it means you didn’t follow the instructions. Make sure to go step-by-step and verify that your implementation is exactly as described.

Alright, thanks for the help! I will let you know

I still can’t get it validated. I followed it step-by-step and exactly as described.

i also get this

Hello @Domingo_Serrano

To successfully save blocks they must be connected to each other, you can drag it inside the main block


can you show me how ?

Steps by Steps

Here’s a video with an example:


Get this error - Can you show me on how to clear it - thanks

To clear the error, you need to click on the triangle again and connected the print block to the main “On Page Enter” handler.
Using scrolling, you can zoom in and out on the work area, which allows you to see more of the work area.
Click and hold on any block - you can change the position of the block.


Try that, and it doesn’t work. Any other suggestions?

Please try to reload the page and repeat all the steps as shown in the video.
If an error occurs, please provide a description of what exactly you did and what error you received.
