I understand your issue but running “OnPageEnter” when the page name is not changed is not an option for several reasons:
- it will be a breaking change and it might break already existing applications of our customers
- it runs the “OnPageEnter” only when it renders the page and it doesn’t matter how it rich the page whether using the browser history (buttons back/forward) or using the “GoToPage” block, which just modifies the browser history
- the “OnPageEnter” means it rendered a page with a specific name and if the page name was not changed the page is still alive and there is no sense to rerun the handler
However, I can see a reason to implement a new handler for a Page Component to notify a developer the page query was changed.
It could be “On Page Query” and it will be running between “onBeforePageEnter” and “onPageEntered” handlers and if the page name is the same then it will be running each time when the URL query is changed, there can be the following context blocks: “Previous Query” and “Next Query” to determine a diff
Does it make sense?