Password Recovery - StatusCode: 400

I am getting the following error while trying to using password recovery

var email = ""
 var async1 = new Backendless.Async( passwordRecoverySent, gotError );
 Backendless.UserService.restorePassword( email, async1);

email is my identity.
Do i need to enable something this to work?

code: 3064, message: "Not existing user token. Relogin user to update your user token", statusCode: 400


The error indicates that the user-token header present in the request contains expired/invalid user token. The user-token value is obtained on the client when you call the “login” API. If you set the stayLoggedIn argument to true, the user-token value will also be persisted on the client-side.

You could clear the local storage in the browser and/or call the logout method to clear the user-token.


It worked, calling logout and then calling restorePassword…

Thanks Mark.


After the last release the password restoring functionality does not care about user token. You won’t face this issue any more.

Regards Anton