Password reset email issue

I’m having issues with the password reset email. This functionality used to work in the past (I even used to get password reset email when Apple was trying out the app before approving it), while now, with absolutely no changes in the app, this functionality stopped working and I routinely receive way too many emails that I have to manually handle.
Both on iOS and Android I call the restore password methods using as identifier the email, which is set correctly as identity (as explained here: on backendless.
Note that the API returns successfully on both Android and iOS, and the password is actually changed because if I try to login with the original password, it doesnt work anymore. However, the email is never sent/received. I tried both the regular email and the email with the link to change password (and yes I’ve enabled only one of the two each time during testing).
No matter what I do (iOS, Android, password link, no link, etc.), no email is sent. This is quite a burden right now on our customer support. Any help is much appreciated (app ID: 9088AF67-1648-1726-FF09-A51862BF1A00).

p.s. emails are not in the spam folder or anywhere else, as they used to be sent properly, and other backendless emails work properly, for example the one received upon registration.



Could you please let me know the email address where the email should’ve
been sent to? I’d like to check in the logs if the message has gone


hi Mark,

tried a few, go with for example

Hi Marco,

I confirmed that emails are not sent. It looks like a regression in the system. I will schedule an internal ticket so an engineer looks into it.


Thanks a lot Mark, appreciate the quick response.

Hello Marco

The issue has been fixed. Please try again and if the problem still persists - let us know.

Regards Anton

works again, thanks!