PDF Viewer

Hi All,

Has anyone else found a good plugin or component for users to view PDFs? I’ve played around with trying to show the pdfs in a collection like images, but wish the users could zoom in or out based on what they needed to see.


Hi. @Aaron_Alpeter

We have created an internal ticket to implement this functionality - BKNDLSS-31849 in the PDF Viewer component.


Oh wow- amazing. Could you please let me know when it’s available? I’m assuming it will be a few months down the road.

@Aaron_Alpeter, sure, we will let you know in this threat when it is available.


Hi @Aaron_Alpeter

We have just updated the PDF Viewer component with the changes you mentioned above. To update a previously installed component, follow the instructions below:

  • find the component to be updated
  • copy the component id (so that the instances of this component continue to work)
  • remove this component
  • install the new one
  • go to files ui-builder/containers/{containerName}/components/custom/{NEW_COMPONENT_ID}
  • rename this folder with the old id

Should you have any questions, please let me know.
