Perfect funktion but no reward

Hi again. I tried one more time, and it did not work for me. No related bindings. What am I doing wrong?

@Ove_Eriksson, how do you set relations? Are you sure that you sent the second request of the createRelation page with the entered data (Dallas)? If it still does not work for you, please, record a video if it is possible

Regards, Marina

Yes, just tried to reg. name support age: 3. Didn´t work. City Dallas.

Please attach a video so that I can figure out the difference between what you and I are doing.

Regards, Marina

Difficult. Your support tool doesn´t support movies.

Try using loom


loom? OK I understand

Check devtools, network request, seeems like you just do no send the second request (did no click the "Create relation between Person and City). Do you see the “cityOfResidence” request in devtools? If yes, what response of this request?


Strange, I clicked but maybe not firm enough. Now it works. “No Code is not a walk in the park”