Placing transparent button over graphic, works in console previews but not mobile

I’m placing a transparent button over a ‘button graphic’ which works when rendered via the console but does not display the graphic when ‘mobile view’ or published.
Thanks in advance,

Hello @Paul_HIllen

What’s your appId and where we can find this page?

Regards, Vlad

registration page

I was able to reproduce the issue, it works well in Chrome browser but it doesn’t in Safari.
looking for the reason and solution.

Hello @Paul_HIllen

Your issue has been fixed, could you please confirm that

Regards, Vlad

The page displays in mobile BUT in UI interface, no graphics being are displayed.
There should be app name graphic (svg) and 2 graphics behind buttons (svg)

This is what I see

What browser do you use while working with the Designer?

Thanks Vlad, I’m using chrome but rebooted just now and all looks fine.
I notice that in chrome the Roboto text in the button graphics render has Roboto but not in safari.
R. & thanks for the quick turnaround.

it’s strange, I do not see any difference from my side, could you please be so kind and share a screenshot

Sorry, I moved on - turned all the text in the svg graphics to ‘curved text’ which fixed the problem.