Plan limit exceeded

Backendless Version (3.x / 5.x, Online / Managed / Pro )


Client SDK (REST / Android / Objective-C / Swift / JS )


Application ID


Expected Behavior

Please describe the expected behavior of the issue, starting from the first action.

  1. Pay for function pack ‘100,000 push notifications’ with automatic purchase
  2. App limit should increase when next function pack is purchased
  3. Warning message should be removed from app home page.

Actual Behavior

  1. I buy function pack ‘100,000 push notifications’ and am billed on my credit card
  2. Limit of push notifications (as shown in console home page) is NOT increased
  3. Warning message persists on home page for last 24 hours - “Your application has exceeded a limit of the Push notifications on the current plan. All API calls will be blocked within 48 hours after the limit is exceeded.”

What do I need to do to stop my app from being suspended?

We reproducted this case, and we are fixing this now. For referencing purposes ticket ID is 19046

Hi team,

Getting the warning on my app (red banner at top of console home screen) stating that push notification limit is exceeded.

Please see the below advice from @mark-piller regarding charges for push notifications above plan allowance:

Can I please get some clarification whether

  1. my app will stop functioning in 48 hours


  1. I will be charged for extra push notifications as per the table above and my app will continue to function


  1. I am required to purchase an add on pack from market place for another 100,000 push notifications in order to have my app keep working.

Many thanks

Hi Mitchell,

I have checked that the push notification overage is being reported to the billing system, that part is taken care of. Now the main question is whether the limit service would block the application. It should not, since the push notification overage does not require a purchase of the function pack. I am escalating this to the product team to investigate asap.
