Pom.xml away from "read-only" in android studio

Task: Register device for push notifications

Having lots of trouble with this one. Particularly that I cannot change pom.xml away from read-only in order to implement documentation instructions under Push notifications for Android? Am I missing something?

side point under build.gradle (module),
jcenter() doesnt seem to be working? instead I automatically get:


should I keep the mavenCentral()? and just add-in in the google() or delete mavenCentral()

mentioning this because I think they might have something to do with each other?

also I am updating the versions as the studio highlights them and says there is a newer version available, not certain if that is what I should be doing, as in some cases in the documentation it says to find the newest version, and in some cases (like in the video), it shows older ones and does not mention their need to update to latest versions,
particularly in the build.gradle(:app) > dependencies > implementations.

learning point: does order in which implementations are listed under dependencies matter?

(Please note I am new to coding but love learning your program. Thanks! I guess visual coding seemed to be what I needed to grasp some of the concepts I was struggling with when attempting to learn in the past.

I appreciate the help as it’s my project to slowly try and implement your program into an app idea having to do with the business I own and manage. I plan on utilizing you to the full when I get things moving, but I have a lot to learn!) :grin:

Hello @Joshua_Stockbridge!

Welcome to our community and thank you for trying out Backendless.

I think the problem is that you are trying to edit the JAR file and you need to download the actual source code and edit it and then include it. Take a look at how to add modules in Android Studio.

I’m not quite sure what you mean, could you please clarify.

I think it’s better to rely on documentation here, sometimes different versions of dependencies can conflict with each other.

That’s great! Feel free to ask me questions and I’ll try to help you!
