I created db on Heroku’s Hobby-Dev (free) plan, It’s Postgre 9.5.2. Connection settings are quite straightforward, except you have “login” and Heroku is “User”, I guess it’s same. Also Heroku doesn’t shows schema name in settings, but I connected from my PC (using “Valentina studio” app) and saw their schema name “public”, and also I created one schema myself. So, with all these copy-pasted settings, when I tried to connect I only got “User has no permission to create entity” error. Is where some additional steps required to connect to Heroku’s postgre?
Clarify please when exactly you receive this error? When trying to add connector on marketplace tab or somewhere else?
Yes, when I tried to add connector in marketplace
Ok, thank you.
Looks like you haven’t miss anything, so this issue needs to be investigated.
I’ve opened an internal task with id “BKNDLSS-12760”.
We shall notify you about results.
Thank you for reporting!
One question - my function pack is marked as enabled now, if I disable it now will I be able to use trial period when bug is fixed? Or trial period can be started only once?
Yes, sure, you’ll have it again.
I remember one thing, maybe it’s important maybe not:
initially I was registered in backendless with google account, a few days ago I changed password (in backendless settings), after that I experienced difficulties with login and short session time-outs. Maybe error is not because of db, but because of that
New info:
in more details stated here http://support.backendless.com/t/cant-access-log-management-panel-in-console error was due to disabled Role.
I tried again with enabled role and received different error now (in email):
Cannot perform action, an error occurred
java.sql.SQLException: invalid database address: jdbc:postgresql://ec2-54-228-226-93.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:5432/d4unncloqhsh7o
and I tried with version 9.4, same result
Cannot perform action, an error occurred
java.sql.SQLException: invalid database address: jdbc:postgresql://ec2-54-247-170-228.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:5432/dd8beg31bi777r
Should I create another thread, since it’s another error?
No, it’s not needed. We shall keep on working in this thread.