Prevent backendless from sending confirmation Email

How can i prevent backendless from sending the registration email to all may users, because it is really annoying them.

Thank you.

Hi, youssef.
Go here in web-console:
Users -> Email templates -> Template/Event: User made registration
then, mark checkbox “Do not send email for the event”.

thank you for the response, but, I have just marked the checkbox and saved. I tried to register a new user and i still receive, 2 confirmation email! it is really annoying!

I’ve created inner task for this issue (BKNDLSS-16380). We’ll notify here about the progress.
What is the status for parameter Users -> User registration -> Require Email Confirmation ?

is disabled

Hi Youssef

I was not able to reproduce the issue. After disabling email confirmation I do not receive any emails.
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