There is something weird happening. When I create a new table I get an error message “Table with the same name already exists”. Then I have to refresh the page to get the table to appear!
APP ID : 1B92F985-D9EF-9689-FFAC-C7E5FE5F2A00
There is something weird happening. When I create a new table I get an error message “Table with the same name already exists”. Then I have to refresh the page to get the table to appear!
APP ID : 1B92F985-D9EF-9689-FFAC-C7E5FE5F2A00
Hello Mohamad,
Thank you for your report,
An internal ticket for investigation the issue has been created, ticket number for reference is: BKNDLSS-18103.
We will notify you about result here
Regards, Vlad
Thanks for responding. One more thing. Is the same problem with creating a new column!
Hello Mohammad,
Your database has been fixed. Sorry for the inconveniences.