Problem with GeoPoint

My records are added but am not seeing any entry in the Geopoint column

try {

        GeoPoint location = new GeoPoint( lattitude, longitude );
        String GUID = generateGUID();
        Vehicle vehicle = new Vehicle(GUID, category, type, make, model, Integer.parseInt(year),mileage, transmission, fuel, colour, condition, registration, problems, advertTitle, Integer.parseInt(price), description,state,lga, location,posterId, posterName, posterPhone, posterLocation,numberOfPics);

        // Create Post  in Cloud DB
        Backendless.Data.of(Vehicle.class).save(vehicle, new AsyncCallback<Vehicle>() {

            @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
            public void handleResponse(Vehicle v) {

                //Save GeoPoint
                Backendless.Geo.savePoint(location, new AsyncCallback<GeoPoint>() {
                    public void handleResponse(GeoPoint savedLocation) {
                        Backendless.Data.of(Vehicle.class).setRelation(vehicle, "Location",
                                Collections.singletonList(savedLocation), null);
                        Timber.i("Location data created for Vehicle in cloud db %s",GUID);

                    public void handleFault(BackendlessFault fault) {
                        Timber.e("Location Error %s", fault.getMessage());

                //object saved
                Timber.i("record created for Vehicle in cloud db %s",GUID);
                new UploadAsyncTask().execute(GUID,"Vehicle");
                Timber.i("record and pics created for Vehicle in cloud db %s",GUID);

                Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), AdvertVehicleActivity.class);
                intent.putExtra("guid", GUID);


            public void handleFault(BackendlessFault fault) {
                Timber.e("Post Error " + fault.getMessage() + fault.getDetail());

                //if fault is unique constraint violation update cloud DB here

    } catch (Exception e) {

This is my Vehicle class

import com.backendless.geo.GeoPoint;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;


public class Vehicle{

//private long id;

private String Guid; //Bill Globally Unique Identifier

private String Category;
private String Type;
private String Make;
private String Model;
private int Year;
private String Mileage;
private String Transmission;
private String Fuel;
private String Colour;
private String Condition;
private String Registration;
private String Problems;
private String Title;
private int Price;
private String Description;
private String State;
private String Lga;
private GeoPoint Location;
private String PosterID;
private String PosterName;
private String PosterPhone;
private String PosterLocation;
private int NumberOfPics;


As i see, you use deprecated and removed api – GeoPoint.
Please, look through the documentation here:
Geolocation Data in Database
