Problem with Spatial Data Retrieval API

Task: Use API to get data objects with location (POINT)

The example at the top of the (Flutter SDK) Spatial Data Retrieval API document page
(Spatial Data Retrieval API - Backendless SDK for Flutter API Documentation)
returns the error: Class ‘Point’ has no instance method ‘[]’.
Syntax change since example created?

Note (below) city and location values are return correctly, but syntax for getting lat and long causes error.
Code“worldcities”).findFirst().then((city) {
print(‘city = $city’);
var location = city![‘location’];
print(‘location = $location’);
var locationLatitude = location[“latitude”];
var locationLongitude = location[“longitude”];
print(‘lat = $locationLatitude, long = $locationLongitude’);

I/flutter ( 5302): city = { … [correct city json data] …
I/flutter ( 5302): location = ‘POINT (34.77 32.08)’
E/flutter ( 5302): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: NoSuchMethodError: Class ‘Point’ has no instance method ‘[]’.
E/flutter ( 5302): Receiver: Instance of ‘Point’
E/flutter ( 5302): Tried calling:

Hello, you are using the wrong syntax, try this:“worldcities”).findFirst().then((city) {
print(‘city = $city’);
var location = city![‘location’];
print(‘location = $location’);
var coordinates = location[‘coordinates’];
var locationLatitude = coordinates[0];
var locationLongitude = coordinates[1];
print(‘lat = $locationLatitude, long = $locationLongitude’);

Best Regards, Nikita.

Nikita, that syntax gives the same error: Class ‘Point’ has no instance method ‘[]’

After looking harder at the Backendless Point class, seems like the lat/long getters are y/x, so tried this:“worldcities”).findFirst().then((city) {
print(‘city = $city’);
var location = city![‘location’];
print(‘location = $location’);
var locationLatitude = location.y;
var locationLongitude = location.x;
print(‘lat = $locationLatitude, long = $locationLongitude’);

This works, returns:
I/flutter ( 6054): city = {country: China, city: Xinyang, … }
I/flutter ( 6054): location = ‘POINT (114.07 32.1304)’
I/flutter ( 6054): lat = 32.1304, long = 114.07

Seems like the Backedless.sdk updates are not getting back into the documentation or to the support staff.