Proper way to transfer previous Backendless project from a free plan into a paid plan?

Hi I need to transfer several apps from a trial and free plan into an existing pro plan that I we just paid for a few days ago. I went into my old project called “pcs” file manager and zipped the following file and folders.

Then I downloaded the zip and then uploaded it into the same “web” folder for the new paid project called “barkour”

But when I went into my User Interface section in “barkour” none of my pages from the old “pcs” app were showing.

I’m probably missing a few steps or you guys need to do the transfer on your end.

The “source” app id for the old “pcs” app that i need to transfer is 60F3583B-7F8D-F53D-FF3E-1D9E46092D00

The “target” app id for “barkour” is 7CE06C94-105E-40DD-FF17-D13E09AC3900

I have one more source app that I need to transfer into the paid “barkour” project.

I also need to transfer “shipping_org” app id 721AC780-A565-8D74-FF75-5158A2EB5500 into “barkour”

In any case a good step by step instruction for transferring apps would be great. Thanks!

Hi William,

The files and directories in the /web folder is what you publish from UI Builder. The actual pages and logic is contained in the ui-builder directory located in the root.
