Property name contains invalid characters: 11

I am trying to use sample CodelessShoppingCartService.
Unfortunately I got following error during purchase method:

“code”: 2004,
“message”: "Property name contains invalid characters: 11 . Please make sure all parameter names start from the letter or underscore. ",
“errorData”: {}

Other sample API methods like getInstructions, addItem, getItems works perfect, only the purchase does not create Order table.

Do you have any idea how to fix it?

Hello @Martin_Krajcir1

I just checked it myself and everything works as expected. The method worked without errors.
Can you provide us your APP ID?
Did you invoke any other methods before you invoked the purchase method?
What value did you enter for the CartName?

Regards, Inna

Hello @Inna_Shkolnaya,
here is my APP ID: 3551EF8F-C241-7579-FF0D-45ECE827AF00

I did following:

  1. Invoke addItem method with walues:
    “cartName”: “mujKosik”,
    “item”: “PostelKlasik”

  2. Then I checked the cache with method getItems with cartName: mujKosik
    It was OK

  3. then I invoke purchase with cartName: mujKosik
    This caused the error code: 2004 and missing Order table.

Thank you for your help.

We were able to reproduce your problem.
The internal ticket BKNDLSS-21999 is created, we will let you know about solution.


Hi @Martin_Krajcir1,

Please use the following body for the addItem operation:

"cartName": "mujKosik",
"item": {

I just tried and it works.


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