Publishing objects always showing read timeout exception

I am trying to publish an object and its returning read timeout exception everytime.

Here is my code

    PublishOptions publishOptions = new PublishOptions();
    publishOptions.putHeader("android-ticker-text","New Chat");
    publishOptions.putHeader("android-content-title","New chat from "+accPrefs.getName());

    Backendless.Messaging.publish("chat", newMessage, publishOptions, new AsyncCallback<MessageStatus>() {
        public void handleResponse(MessageStatus messageStatus) {

            Log.v("publish message", "Success");


        public void handleFault(BackendlessFault backendlessFault) {

            Toast.makeText(getContext(),"Cannot send,check your internet connection and try again",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            Log.v("publish message", "fail " + backendlessFault.getMessage());


Hello, Vidya Sagar.
Have you tried make and run codegen example ? (Code Generation tab -> Messaging).
Please, pay attention to our documentation:

p.s. i have tried today and this functional worked correctly.

I have been using this same code to send notifications for a while and it worked without any issues. Only when I tried to use it here to create a chat application, it is throwing read time out exception everytime

Can you please clarify: you’ve used generated sample and it suddenly stopped working?

It’s working now again…

Ok, I’ll mark it as solved for now. Please notify us if it happens again.