Hello, I do not understand why I pay $ 10.00 / 100000 / notifications per additional month. David
All function packs are billed on the subscription basis. If you do not need additional notifications, you can remove the function pack from the Manage > Billing screen and a credit will be issued for your app. The credit can be used for future purchases.
I can’t remove the function. I don’t know why?
David T.
What is your application ID?
And what do you mean by “can’t remove” - do you see any errors when clicking “uninstall”?
Hello,99728F8E-63FE-49A3-FF81- CCDAF1FC4C00
I do not see where I can install this option
sorry, i can’t uninstall add-ons
Looks like there was some inconsistency between our database and the payment provider’s one. We’ve removed the function pack manually and refunded its cost to your application.
I have been paying for extras for months. I paid $ 109 a month, when I would have paid $ 25 a month.
It couldn’t be $109, the additional function pack costed only $10, which sums to just $35/month.
Do you remember when you installed and uninstalled additional function packs?