Push messaging technique

Does Backendless use long polling to fetch incoming messages to the client device?


I hope this topic contains answer for your question:

Thanks, so polling is the method being used currently I see. I would have loved if the messaging would work in the background as well, is that how it is currently set up?

Hi Evon,

Do you mean when the app is running in the background? This is coming up in one if the upcoming releases - we’re adding support for silent push notifications to deliver pub/sub messages.


I see thank you Mark. Can you point me in the direction of client to client messaging?

if the app is in the background, it will still poll until the app is killed or recycled.

You can try pub/sub messaging and use subtopics for client-to-client message delivery. Did you read the docs about subtopics?

Suppose you poll in a service?

I see what you mean although I would be required to join a channel first.

Hi Evon,

I just checked the source code and I see that the polling is not done in a service. So let me rephrase my answer: when the app is not active and runs in the background, it is unlikely that the polling would occur out of the box. However, that should not preclude you from creating a service that creates a Backendless subscriber object and declares all the callbacks right there.
