Push notification doesn't show up on flutter / iOS


We are building a flutter app with the backendless sdk with push notification.
(backendless 8.0.0-alpha.25)

We can see the iOS Flutter app into the deviceRegistration database, but the push notification issued from backendless Push Notification Composer has no effect, whatever Process In Service Extension is set or not. There is no Service Extension set.
GoogleService-info.plist is set in Xcode, as well as APN environment to “production”.
Tests are made with a real version (production) on a real iPhone via testFlight.

It works well on android.
A previous version of this app was working, some months ago, so I assume the iOS certificate set in the backendless server is ok.

I’ve read the API Document for flutter, but there is not a lot of detail regarding how to configure xCode, neither if Firebase is used in this case or not. I’ve assumed it is, and configured Firebase for iOS on the Firebase console, from where I got the GoogleService-info.plist file.

I don’t see how to debug this, so this is the reason for this message.

Please let me know what information you may need to help us.

Application ID is 5C39F8A2-8ABC-CE84-FF29-8469A9053200
App Name is betrim_news.

Thanks in advance.

Hello, @Unum_Designum_Johan_Kovacs.

You don’t need firebase for notifications on iOS. It is only required for Android. I just checked push notifications in our SDK for the release version for iOS. The push notification was displayed without problems. Could you make sure that in your Apple console all certificates are valid, and the application does not require any license confirmation (Sometimes you need to confirm “Privacy Changes” in the Apple console, if this is not done, notifications stop coming)?
Do notifications come in debug mode, with a certificate installed in the console, like “Sandbox”?

Regards, Nikita.

Hello Nikita,

Thank you for your response.

I removed the google-info.plist file from the xCode project, and now got the following error messages.
I don’t know if I can just ignore them.
10.18.0 - [FirebaseCore][I-COR000012] Could not locate configuration file: ‘GoogleService-Info.plist’.
10.18.0 - [FirebaseCore][I-COR000003] The default Firebase app has not yet been configured. Add FirebaseApp.configure() to your application initialization. This can be done in in the App Delegate’s application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)(or the@main` struct’s initializer in SwiftUI). Read more: Adicionar o Firebase ao seu projeto da Apple  |  Firebase for Apple platforms.

I double checked the signing certificate and I’ve changed it on the Backendless site.
The app is not collecting any information. The Privacy Policy is set as Data Not Collected.

It is working now on production !
Maybe it was just required to update the Push Certificat on Backendless.

One suggestion: if I remember well, Backendless was providing a working xcode project example in the past. This was extremely helpful as it is hard to debug notifications.
Maybe you can share an anonymized version of your push notification project you are using for testing ?

Again, thank you !

Ok, I correctly understand that your problem gone out?
This message from firebase says about error when you using firebase for sending push notifications for iOS. But our SDK use firebase only for Android. You can ignore this warning

Regards, Nikita.

You correct.

By the way, do you know which class to invoke to clear the badge counter from the app?

Kind regards,

At the moment this logic does not work perfectly. We plan to greatly expand the functionality for push notifications in flutter SDK. Many features from the templates, unfortunately, are not yet supported there at the moment. However, this will be resolved soon.

Regarding the notification counter, you can try disabling them until it works correctly. Try changing the “badge” value in your template to 0. This should help you.

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