Push notification not received in device

Hi, I’m able to register the ios device but notification is not received in device while sending push notification from Backendless console. Device token field is empty as I don’t have it. I used Device id(UDID) to register iOS device. I have uploaded the .p12 file for ios.

Hi, Subramanian.
Please, provide appId and small codesnippet where you register the device.

My register request below, attached the screenshot for message sent from console

Content-Type: application/json
application-type: REST
Host: api.backendless.com
Content-Length: 165

“deviceToken” : “”,
“deviceId” : “225cbbd2ce966b970583d8dd9face4a666a3eff3”,
“os” : “IOS”,
“osVersion”: “11.0.3”

You need register device from device itself, because it should receive token from apple server.