Push notification not working

Hi Anton,

By the way, I tried to implement all functionalities from the beginning. I can send notifications without setting “publishAt” property but when I set it, I cannot get any notifications. I’ve attached all of my configurations. I really need your help on this.

Hi Mehmet,

Still can’t reproduce the problem… Could you please check status of the message you publish with a publishAt parameter?

Hi Anton,

The ENUM of status is Scheduled when I use publishAt parameter. Is it possible to check through database or somewhere if I give you the message ID after I publish the notification?

That’s not necessary. Try the followings:

  1. Publish a message with publishAt parameter to schedule a push notification at current time + 30 seconds
DeliveryOptions deliveryOptions = new DeliveryOptions();
Date publishDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + 30000 ); // add 30 seconds
deliveryOptions.setPublishAt( publishDate );
  1. Check the message for errors right after publishing, you can do it in Postman, all the necessary collections are already there https://prnt.sc/i5ubs4 (screenshot attached)
  2. Run getMessageStatus API again in 30 seconds after publishing
  3. Share your results here

Hi Anton,

I needed to go abroad for a meeting but I saw your reply. I’ll send the requested info as soon as possible and let you know. Thx.

Hi again Anton,

I just did what you requested and attached the screenshots. It says “Could not find status…”.

Will be waiting for further instructions,


The ID should be “message:<number_id>”, not just “<number_id>”. You can see an example on the screenshot Anton attached above.

Hi Sergey, I just tried with the message id similar to Anton’s in the screenshot. But the result is same.

What is your application ID?

My App ID is : 706226DA-3A4D-829E-FF92-9733231F4600

Can you please try to send again and check merely by visiting the following link (having substituted the IDs):


(messageId still in form of “message:<ID>”)
This is to make sure we don’t miss anything with invalid configuration values in Postman.

I tried, but unfortunately the result is same :frowning:

Can I test it on your app with some message? Unfortunately I can’t reproduce it on my existing app.

How are we going to do that? As long as you only send the notification to my device, there is no problem. How to proceed?

Sure, I will use the code you provided above, I just need the deviceID for that.

OK no problem. My device id is: LGH870DSe6503906

Just please do not send a notification to everyone :slight_smile:

Thanks, I managed to reproduce the problem with not found status. I’ve created an internal task BKNDLSS-16535 to investigate this further. We shall notify you here as soon as we have any news.

Thanks Sergey for all the support. I’ll be waiting for your update to go further.