Push Notification on Android 13

Is there any news on the Android SDK update to address the problems with Android 13 push notifications?

Thanks in advance,

Hello, @rick-cataldo.

This issue fixed from version 7.0.0+.

Regards, Nikita.

Hi @Nikita_Fedorishchev.

Thank you for your reply. On Github we see the latest release is 6.3.6, and on mvnrepository there is 7.0-alpha. Can you say when 7.0.0 will be released?

Thank you again,

You need to use android-sdk for backendless. Stable version already released.

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Ahh, I see it now.

We were searching for the original name, “backendless Android SDK” - didn’t realize the name has now changed to “android-client-sdk”.

Thank you for your help, @Nikita_Fedorishchev !

Best regards,

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