Hi how i can handle the Touch event on Notification
i tryed in onMessage( Context context, Intent intent )
but all event in this method are execute when Push Notification are receved.
whats the right way for do that handle the Touch event,for exampe open a specific activity.
Hi Capitano,
It is not fully clear what is your issue, but it looks like your question is not related with Backendless.
Please provide more details.
Maybe you should look for the answer in some more common forums (e.g. StackOverflow).
hi Ilya Veklenko thnks for the reply.
For manage push noticiation whit Backendless there is 2 class
MyPushReceiver extends BackendlessBroadcastReceiver
MyPushService extends BackendlessPushService
In MyPushService there is a method onMessage( Context context, Intent intent ) i tryed do something inside this method,but all event in this method are execute when Push Notification are received.
Now i want do something when user touch/tap on push notification,not when the device receive Notification.