We have a method to subscribe to a specific topic. and the message can be published either as broadcast or as push notification. Now I am implementing a chat room, and I want to unsubscribe the client, from push notification from a specific channel once he leaves the room.
As far as i know there is no such API available.
Do you register device with more one channel? If that’s the case, you’re correct, there is no API to unsubscribe device registration from a specific channel. If you use only pub/sub messaging, you can cancel the registration using the cancelSubscription method:
Hi Mark,
having the same problem: in my app a user subscribes to another users’ push notifications. you’re saying that there is no way to unsubscribe from that user afterwards ?
You cannot unsubscribe from push notifications published to a channel. However, if you unregister the device, it unsubscribes from all channels.
Are you implementing this feature?
Or do you have any idea to bypass this issue?
We plan to add this feature in version 4, which is the next major version of Backendless. Until then, a workaround is to unregister device and then register again with the desired channels.