Push Notification XCode Setup

Hi Backendless Support,

I have a suggestion to be added to your documentation on Push Notification Setup in XCode. I am currently using XCode 10.1 and swift 4.2.

I followed your documentation found here https://backendless.com/docs/ios/push_xcode_setup_for_apn.html , and everytime, I had issues building my app. I actually re-did the instructions about 20 times for 3 bloody working days, and all yielded errors in my code. This continued until I found a breakthrough on the 4th day. And here’s the addition I’ll like you to include to help others that might be facing a similar issue.

After a user has updated the pod file to look like this:

# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project  
# platform :ios, '9.0'  

target 'NotificationService' do  
  # Uncomment the next line if you're using Swift or would like to use dynamic frameworks  

  # Pods for NotificationService  
pod 'Backendless'  


target 'YOUR-PROJECT-NAME' do  
  # Uncomment the next line if you're using Swift or would like to use dynamic frameworks  

  # Pods for YOUR-PROJECT-NAME  
pod 'Backendless'  


The next command to run in the terminal, is this:
pod cache clean --all

The above command will clear your pod cache. Then you follow up with the install command:
pod install

From here the user can continue with the other processes listed on the page, and the user should be able to build his/her app without any issues. Thanks and happy coding!!!

HI @Andrew_Akpe-Doe

Thank you so much for your investigation.