Push to iOS from Console fails

I have set up my iOS app for push notifications, my device successfully registers with Backendless and is listed in the “Devices” tab in the Backendless console. When I try to publish a push notification, the console says that the message has been scheduled, but so far it has failed to send the push and no messages are listed in the “Messages” tab of the console. Am I missing something?

Hi Jay,

Do you select your device (or All iOS devices) with the checkboxes on the Messaging screen?

Please check the following in your XCode project:

    bundle ID in XCode matches App ID in developer center Code signing identity matches the one assigned to the provisioning profile
There is a recording of a Push Notification webinar I did a few weeks ago where I went through the entire process of creating a certificate, provisioning profile, deploying it locally, registering a device and sending a push notification. You can watch it at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIbv0GUyZ_Q


Hi Mark, I got this working. I had originally uploaded my production SSL cert to backendless. I switched to the sandbox cert and it works. But my question now is, do I replace the sandbox cert with the production cert when I build my app for distribution? Other services I have used for push (Parse, UrbanAirship) have fields for uploading both certs.

Hi Jay,

You can either replace the certificate or create a new version of the same backend (Manage > Versions in console) and deploy a different certificate there.
