PUT 403 Error when attempting to add items to database

I am attempting to add items to a database migrated from parse using javascript. Code is as follows:

function Item(args) {
    args = args || {};
    this.catId = args.catId || "";
    this.cost = args.cost || "";
    this.purchaseDate = args.purchaseDate || "";
    this.purchaseDateView = args.purchaseDateView || "";
    this.itemName = args.itemName || "";
    this.itemCode = args.itemCode || "";
    this.scale = args.scale || "";
    this.itemQty = args.itemQty || "";
    this.location = args.location || "";
    this.brand = args.brand || "";
    this.description = args.description || "";
    this.loanedTo = args.loanedTo || "";
    this.notes = args.notes || "";
    this.photodata = args.photodata || "";
function _newItem(e) {
    var itemmonth = $("#item_form .itemmonth").val(),
    itemday = $("#item_form .itemday").val(),
    itemyear = $("#item_form .itemyear").val(),
    itemdate = itemyear + "-" + pad(itemmonth, 2) + "-" + pad(itemday, 2);  

    var itemObj = new Item(
        catId: $("#catId").val(),
        cost: +formatCurrency($("#price").val()),
        purchaseDate: { "__type":"Date", "iso": itemdate + "T16:19:38.000Z" },
        purchaseDateView: itemdate,
        itemName: $("#itemName").val(),
        itemCode: $("#itemCode").val(),
        scale: +_getScaleVal(),
        itemQty: +$("#itemQty").val(),
        location: $("#location").val(),
        brand: $("#brand").val(),
        description: $("#description").val(),
        loanedTo: $("#loanedTo").val(),
        notes: $("#notes").val(),
        photodata: $(".photodata").attr("data-img")

When the newItem method is called I get an error in the chrome console (see screenshot).

Hi Weston,

Please provide your appId and also check your security permissions for data.



The appId is: 04346FCB-DC42-0F46-FF7C-7DC578787800

And I have allowed all data permissions as far as I know.