QR code reader


How to add this java code in a web page made by codeless inside a BLOCK ?

Screenshot 2023-01-03 at 22.56.37


I need to read a QR code and then work with the variable read in codeless.

Thanks, Mario

Hello @Mario_Ghersi

I do not clearly understand your phrase:

How to add this java code in a web page

Which Java code should be added? In any case, there is no possibility to add Java(not JS) in the browser.

I need to read a QR code and then work with the variable read in codeless.

I will offer you wait for a production-ready QR code scanner(it’s in testing now), or try to use our open source solution for UI-Builder.

Regards, Dima.

Thanks, @Dima_Vak1

Ok I will try the Open Source Solution for UI-Builder.
Any tutorial how to do it inside the FrontEnd - Codeless - UI Builder ?
Give me some steps I will follow to add it and we also could be usefull for others.

Thanks, Mario

Hello @Mario_Ghersi,

We don’t have a guide on how to set this up right now.
You can try to install the component yourself, but there is a risk of breaking something, so we recommend that you wait for the release and install this component from the marketplace.


Hi @Nazar_Dmytryshyn

I’m in production with the app and I can’t take a ny risk, please let me know any news and I’m also looking the emails news about the release of QR reader.

Thanks, Mario

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