QR Scanner


I’m using the QR Scanner at Marketplace and works great because it is full integrated with the App.

I would like to know where I found the Styles? Because I have the info from the documentation but I’m not familiar where I can change the color and also handle the dimensions:

@bl-customComponent-qrScanner-button-color: contrast(@bl-customComponent-qrScanner-button-background);
@bl-customComponent-qrScanner-width: 100%;
@bl-customComponent-qrScanner-button-width: 100%;

I would like to have the same button color and same size of “Buscar” button.

Thanks, Mario

Almost ready, I found the “THEME” and “variables” where I add:

@bl-customComponent-qrScanner-width: 150px;
@bl-customComponent-qrScanner-button-width: 150px;
@bl-customComponent-qrScanner-button-height: 50px;
@bl-customComponent-qrScanner-themeColor: #80A3B6;

But the height to look like the other button it’s not working.

Any ideas how to handle the height?
Thanks, Mario

Hello @Mario_Ghersi!

You may also employ classes to apply styles. An example of this might look like:

@bl-customComponent-qrScanner-button-width: 150px;
@bl-customComponent-qrScanner-themeColor: #80A3B6;

.bl-customComponent-qrScanner {
  height: 50px;


Dear Alexander

Just perfect! Thanks

Screenshot 2023-05-19 at 12.45.43