Is it possible now or being planning to allow the ability to search for files in the File Service via API (REST, Android, etc)
Hi Roy,
Would this be a search by name or content?
This would be a file name based search - exact, wildcards possible.
Thanks, Roy. I will add it to the roadmap. More than likely for the 2.1 release. The next release is 2.0 (the 2.1 release is planned for May).
An additional benefit of being able to search for an existing file in the File storage is that it will be a lot faster in receiving a response than what can happen now. When uploading a relative large file (1MB or larger), the initial upload request can take a few minutes and then you receive an error response of {“message”:“Unable to upload file: file already exists”,“code”:6003}, which is correct but all that time was for not since you have to generate a unique filename and try again.