Query for getting all users within a user-specified radius around a GeoPoint

I need some help figuring out how to make a custom query. Here is the scenario:
In my User's table there is a property radius which is specified by each user. There’s also another for the user’s lastLocation. When a new GeoPoint is added I want to get all users for which the new GeoPoint is within radius of their lastLocation.
Can this be achieved with a single query (probably with a subquery) instead of getting all users and looping through them on the device (which could have a huge overhead)?

Hi Milen,

Try to use business logic and create Event Handler.
Select section Business Logic in developer console -> EVENT HANDLERS -> New Event Handler ->
Language: Java, JS or CODELESS
Model: Default
Category: Geolocation
Event: addPoint
Timing: before or after
Context: All Geo Categories or what you need
Download this handler and to get all users for which the new GeoPoint is within radius of their lastLocation.

See more about Event Handlere - https://backendless.com/products/documentation/ section ‘Custom Business Logic - Java’ or ‘Custom Business Logic - JS’

Hi Vladimir,

Thanks for the reply! Whether this happens in an event handler on the server or on device, my problem is indeed forming the query for:

get all users for which the new GeoPoint is within radius of their lastLocation

Get all Users from Users table where (lastLocation + radius) included NewGeoPoint
See about search with radius https://backendless.com/docs/android/geo_radius_based_search.html - Search in categories with radius