Query Multiple Data in Backendless Cache


In addition to my question here: Any way to detect user presence?,

Currently retrieving via GET Backendless Cache returns only 1 item at time.

Is there any way we can have it return multiple data? Like for the purpose of querying all Online Members in Backendless Cache? Perhaps, an API that will return items with keyword starting from “Online:” ?


Hi, @jaypee_peros

Since this method uses the key name in its query, you can get only one object in this query. But, as a round way, you can use our event handler AfterLogin. You can find more info about Business Logic service(Handlers, Events) here: https://backendless.com/docs/js/rt_handlers_and_events.html
Also, there is a column LastLogin in the Users table which shows date when the user last logged in to his page, it may help you too.
