Query Parameter or URL Placeholder on GET Collection


I suspect there is a topic on this, or some documentation, but I cannot find it. I maybe searching with the wrong terminology…

I am working in Appgyver and have a GET COLLECTION working, but I want to filter on a field/object. There are at least two ways I think I can do it, but I cannot get either to work…which perhaps means Backendless does not allow it…appreciate any hints!?

Method 1 - Query Parameter
I have the below config, but as you can see, further below, it fails to produce the desired result;

Method 2 - URL Placeholder
URL Placeholder - am testing the URL with the aim of putting in a placeholder, so I have this: …/data/UserWorkouts?ownerId=lisa@lisa.com. I would ultimately replace lisa@lisa.com with {} and link the placeholder to a page variable…but the above URL does not filter the collection by that ownerId when I test.

I thought this would be simple but clearly not.

Help appreciated!?

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Hi Paul,

When you say you want to filter on a field/object, do you mean you want to get only specific fields or you want to get the collection where the field values match certain criteria?

Both are possible with Backendless, I just need to understand a little better what you’re after.


Hi Mark

It is the latter, I want to bring back the ‘row’ (or rows) of the table where one field (ownerID) matches a certain value.

To be really basic, each row of the table is a submission from individual/different users. The GET COLLEC will bring back all the rows for the logged in user, per the ownerID field.

Thanks for your help on this.

Hi Paul,

A condition that filters for objects that meet your selection criteria is called where clause in Backendless. I recommend you to play with REST Console that is built into Backendless console when composing a query. To do that:

  1. Login to Backendless Console
  2. Click the Data icon and select your UserWorkouts table.
  3. Switch to the REST Console tab. You will see an input field with the label called Where:
  4. Enter a where clause query and click the GET button. The result is displayed in the Response section. You can see the response either as JSON or in a grid view.

A where clause to get objects where ownerId is of a certain value, the where clause would have the following format:

ownerId = 'specific-value-for-the-field'

Once you get to the point where you get back expected results, use the Request URL field as it will have all the configured parameters in there. That’s the URL you would be using in your Appgyver app.

Hope this helps.


Brilliant Mark. Thanks.