Query table select data

i create a query Builder with depth 2 and run it without any problem about a day with more than 100 times test. another day i run app and almost every three try ran into “handleFault(BackendlessFault backendlessFault)”, other tries in that three tries go ok!
my guess: The reason may be that I used the AsyncTask
this is my code:
DataQueryBuilder queryBuilder = DataQueryBuilder.create();
StringBuilder mWhereClause = new StringBuilder();
Backendless.Data.of(“user_lock”).find(queryBuilder, new AsyncCallback<List<Map>>() {
public void handleResponse(List<Map> maps) {
//some code
public void handleFault(BackendlessFault backendlessFault) {
“user_lock” is my table name
“id_user” is related(1:1) column to another table
value of whereClause is : id_user.objectId=‘E29F1746-7B66-984C-FF6A-9D3E1653FD00’
This is error description:
E/Server.Processing: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException: SQL [select distinct udt.user_lock.permision, udt.user_lock.created, udt.user_lock.last_work, udt.user_lock.ownerId, udt.user_lock.updated, udt.user_lock.objectId from udt.user_lock left outer join F83FB714-F7A1-E516-F.7C8AF74B-D3CA-242D-F.B8E00 on udt.user_lock.objectId = F83FB714-F7A1-E516-F.7C8AF74B-D3CA-242D-F.B8E00.rel_from left outer join udt.Users as rel_Users_id_user on rel_Users_id_user.objectId = F83FB714-F7A1-E516-F.7C8AF74B-D3CA-242D-F.B8E00.rel_to left outer join User on rel_Users_id_user.objectId = User.id left outer join UserStatus on User.userStatusId = UserStatus.id left outer join UserType on User.userTypeId = UserType.id left outer join F83FB714-F7A1-E516-FF83-4B1B8FC25B00.acl on (F83FB714-F7A1-E516-FF83-4B1B8FC25B00.acl.objectId = udt.user_lock.objectId and F83FB714-F7A1-E516-FF83-4B1B8FC25B00.acl.granted = ? and F83FB714-F7A1-E516-FF83-4B1B8FC25B00.acl.operationId = ? and F83FB714-F7A1-E516-FF83-4B1B8FC25B00.acl.userId = ?) left outer join F83FB714-F7A1-E516-FF83-4B1B8FC25B00.role_acl on (F83FB714-F7A1-E516-FF83-4B1B8FC25B00.role_acl.objectId = udt.user_lock.objectId and F83FB714-F7A1-E516-FF83-4B1B8FC25B00.role_acl.operationId = ? and (F83FB714-F7A1-E516-FF83-4B1B8FC25B00.role_acl.role & ?) = ?) where (rel_Users_id_user.objectId = ? and case when (F83FB714-F7A1-E516-FF83-4B1B8FC25B00.acl.objectId is null and F83FB714-F7A1-E516-FF83-4B1B8FC25B00.role_acl.objectId is null) then case when udt.user_lock.ownerId is null then ? else case when udt.user_lock.ownerId = ? then ? else ? end end else ? end) limit ?]; Table ‘43F16378-A01D-6283-FFE2-EBA6CE6C6300.F83FB714-F7A1-E516-F.7C8AF74B-D3CA-242D-F.B8E00’ doesn’t exist


I have created an internal ticket to investigate the issue BKNDLSS-16799.

Hi Morteza,

I have an assumption about the cause, but first I need a few answers from you to verify it.

    Do you still receive this same error on any requests? Have you done any schema modifications before the requests or at all after creating the table? E.g. deleting and recreating the id_user column. How was the id_user column created in user_lock table? Did you create it on data console or did you use the Relations API?

Thanks anyway, i don’t got same error anymore. But i have a question: You help me or error fixes itself? Because i’m worry about it, occurs in future again.


Of course we want to help you, but we need your help with it. That’s why Sergey asked those questions. Knowing the answers would make facilitate us finding a resolution.


    Do you still receive this same error on any requests? No

    you done any schema modifications before the requests or at all after
    creating the table? E.g. deleting and recreating the id_user column. : i change column name to user but i do not know my error fixes before or after this operation.

    How was the id_user column created in user_lock table? Did you create it on data console or did you use the Relations API? i used data console for creating all tables. Thanks a lot for your attention.

Hello again,

My assumption is that this was a cache-related issue on one of the servers - this would explain why only a part of requests failed. Unfortunately, we were not able to reproduce this error with different use-cases after your report. Probably it was related to some schema changes, like renaming the column you mentioned.
Since we’ve rewritten this caching level completely recently and are still improving some parts, I suppose this may have already been fixed in the course of the latest few weeks. In case you run into any similar problem again - please feel free to report it and we’ll be investigating further.

Thank you for your support. i never ever meet same error since 2 weeks ago. we wonder about code-less and other features. we are enjoying continuously.