Thanks for your keen listening for the social media questions, I came from a tweet with referral reply to support email.
My questions simply is:
- What is the solution for the project building size after binding Backendless?
The SDK is almost ~ 200 MB, which is killer to my simple application idea, in addition I have no usage for any Media lib files, Is there any way to make it smaller.
Thanks in advanced,
Hi Ahmed,
If you aren’t going to use MediaService in your app, it will not contain any binary code from the media libs, so a size of your app will be minimized.
According to the lib included directory,
— > libav-11.4
— > MediaLibiOS3x
— > x264
I have removed those libraries mentioned by the arrow, I just need to make sure that all other services will be stable, and no unexpected exceptions in the app.
There shouldn’t be. The libraries you removed are there only for audio/video recording and playback.
Thanks for reply and confirmation, I also have removed speex-1.2rc2 …