Random "150"

My “Deadlines” page displays the number “150” in the top-left. I can’t seem to figure out how this number got there or how to get rid of it. The text is not selectable and does not appear anywhere in the component navigator menu on the right. It appears the text is somehow the very first component of the Page component, just before the main block all of the components are in, but the text doesn’t appear in the components list.

At some point I was copy/pasting the number 150 for margins or widths or something like that, and somehow I mis-pasted somewhere and created this number I can’t get rid of.

Hi @David_King,

could you please provide your App ID? I will take a look into it.


The App ID is: 5F100A81-A020-41B9-9469-BF70AB40FC02

Thanks @David_King! But I can’t find the specified page in your app… Could you please specify which container and page should I open to see the issue from your screenshots?


Oh I see, the app is called Compass and the container is called Main. I think you were in the Training app.

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Hello @David_King,

I have removed the “150” from the page.
