Rapid refreshes that stops only once code: 997 is triggered

Hi Backendless.

App ID: F001F3BF-4CCD-B35E-FFD0-23845DEE6000

Page: addPrice

I was testing on mobile phone (Chrome browser) behavior of what happens when user does not give location permission.

  • On first page enter all is good: page load with a dropdown (that needs to populate data based on users geolocation) but since there is no permission I receive message that location is denied.
  • But then I do swipe down from top, and that does chrome tab refresh, and right after I see multiple of attempts in quick succession to load and then reload page ( never seeing the dropdown field i mentioned earlier on page enter), that only stopped after hitting API call limit (error code:997).

And limit is reached due to file load???

not even sure what gets loaded there, maybe css files?

Again, such behavior wasn’t happening on the same page before. And this is not only happening for addPrice page.

This is logic for on beforePage enter:
There is only check for user session validation, try catch was added after the issue, but it does not catch anything.

Got it also on Chrome laptop browser, here I entered page from another page, then did 1 refresh, it jumped a bit trying to reload multiple times, then on 2 refresh happened the same, but on third it continued sporadically reload till another error

And here from mobile:

Hello @Uldis_Borkus

Couldn’t repeat in preview mode.
I see this page is used in several containers, which one specifically can I test?
Can you create or give me a user with whom I can go through the logging stage on the “login” page?


Hi @viktor.liablin
Just retested, on Desktop browser didn’t repeat now, but multiple refreshes did repeat on mobile chrome browser.

Forgot to mention that CenuPulss is the container used.

Hello @Uldis_Borkus,

A quick update: we are looking into what might be causing the issue and will provide you with useful information as soon as we have it in this thread.

Thank you for your patience!


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@Alexander_Pavelko Has there been any findings on what is causing unstoppable refreshes?
On desktop browser I have not noticed this any more, but on mobile chrome browser it is happening each time I swipe down to refresh, as well if I edit the url, for example open ?page=home and then change parameter to any other page.

If there is no clear cause, please suggest a method i could that would stop multiple refreshes, otherwise it is unusable by the end users. Either by limiting amount of page loads in x time, or maybe som other idea?

Looks like it was related to service worker needed for Onesignal push notifications. For now removed it and everything related to OneSignal