Registration Form

Im running into a couple issues.

  1. I cant seem to get the status message to pop up when passwords dont match. I followed the “programming user registration” video and It still is giving no luck. Ive added photos to show the logic and data binding.

  1. When the passwords do not match, it still registers the user. I even tried the logic structure in the following screenshot but again, still registers.

I do not see my error.

Just in case:

Hello @Austin

This occurs because for now both of your password inputs are bound to the Form Data Model, but you compare the properties from the Page Data(which are undefined, and undefined = undefined).


Try to compare properties from Form Data Model, or add On Change events to the fields and fill the Page Data

Also, for the future - try to debug your logic using Print block and check the logs in Browser Devtools.

Regards, Dima.