I am working with a web application using your REST sdk.
The problem I have is the following:
I have a table TABLE_1, which has a relation with a table TABLE_2
If I create an instance of TABLE_1, fill a property of array type with an array of objects of type TABLE_2, and I save TABLE_1, I can see the objects of both TABLE_1 and TABLE_2.
Now I want to update the TABLE_1 object, and I send a PUT request passing as body the same TABLE_1 object, but with a new array of TABLE_2 objects.
I leave the field __meta untouched:
"code": "1",
"description": "description",
"created": 1494678322000,
"ownerId": null,
"__meta": "{"
relationRemovalIds ":{},"
selectedProperties ":["
code ","
description ","
created ","
ownerId ","
updated ","
objectId "],"
relatedObjects ":{"
TABLE_2 ":["
1 C1C4A67 - B4B6 - B5D5 - FFC4 - 419 C82C98D00 ","
4 C37F1C2 - E573 - B515 - FFC6 - E9AD60D45800]
"items": [{
"___class": "TABLE_2",
"name": "test"
"___class": "TABLE_2",
"name": "test1"
"___class": "TABLE_1",
"updated": 1497633352000,
"objectId": "BA90E116-1EA1-39AC-FF82-252018F0B300"
1 C1C4A67 - B4B6 - B5D5 - FFC4 - 419 C82C98D00 and 4 C37F1C2 - E573 - B515 - FFC6 - E9AD60D45800 are the ids of previous 2 objects, and in the array there 2 brand new objects.
I left untached __metadata from the previous get operation.
TABLE_1 has 2 related objects => OK
TABLE_2 has only 2 objects, the new ones => WRONG , I have 4 objects in TABLE_2, the old 2 and new 2.
I can I update an object, deleting the child objects not referenced anymore?
Thank you