Relation Paging API docu

I want to use Relation Paging following this docu: Relation Paging - Backendless SDK for JavaScript API Documentation

At the end of this page, I find:

The LoadRelationsQueryBuilder class contains methods which recalculate offset in order to obtain next, previous or a specific page. After loadRelationsQueryBuilder is modified, call the API shown above to get next, previous or a specific page of data.

Where do I find a list of mentioned “methods which recalculate offset …” ?


Hello @Klaas_Klever

You can see the methods when you work in the IDE Monosnap
You can also use this documentation General API - Backendless SDK for JavaScript API Documentation


Hi @Inna_Shkolnaya ,
How do I get this code completion working with Visual Studio Code? In my npm project, I have the dev-dependency to backendless-coderunner. I saw, that some ts-files are delivered with that. But how to use them for the VS Code Intellisense? Any suggestion?
