Relation type update is prohibited - property refills must relate to table Users but not Refill

Hi there,

I’m trying to create related object in a single request using following:

-H application-id:<application-id>
-H secret-key:&lt;REST-secret-key&gt;
-H Content-Type:application/json
-H application-type:REST
-v [url=];user-object-id&gt;[/url]
-d '{"refills":[{"___class":"Refill","prescription_1":"Hello"}]}'

But getting following error
Relation type update is prohibited - property refills must relate to table Users but not Refill

Please advise


Looks like its a Bug,
Whether i add Related Column as Users (Itself) or Refills(which is what shoulde be) ; i always see Users. As you can see in screenshot, i added Refill Column as related but its showing Users.
and thats the reason im getting this error.

Here is another animated gif with problem