Relations removed during object update

Hi I have sort of big trouble within new 4.0 relations system…

So now I have one object with 3 columns - from (backendlesUser), to (backendlesUser), status(int)

  1. Create user with status = 0
  2. Make relation to From
  3. Maker relation to To
    …Time passed
  4. Change status for entry with objectID -> 1

Result status is changed to 1, but From&To == NULL
Which does not make any sense…

First of all, object obtained during status change, has From&To (i’ve used relationdepth parameter)
Secondly doing extra 2 request to add already existing relations would be insane…

Hi Tomas,

I was able to reproduce the problem and opened an internal ticket with the highest priority.

The ticket number is BKNDLSS-15031 (you can use it to inquire the status and it will also show up in the release history).


Any progress ?

Hi Tomas,

The fix has been merged to the main server branch, but not yet deployed to the online servers. It should be available no later than Monday (July, 3).