I’m trying to use AGK2, but it has limited support for HTTP, in fact it doesn’t support headers.
When previously using parse.com, they supported: :javascript-key=<secret-key>@api.parse.com as the URL.
Then Content-Type was added to on the end, i.e. ?Content-Type=application/json. They had no requirements for “application-type=REST”
Is there such a method I can use with backendless.com?
Hi Paul,
Headers are required, we use them to identify your specific backend within Backendless.
We will look into other possible ways to accept that information, but that will not be an overnight change.
Hi Mark,
It’s not a big deal, I thought I’d give AGk2 go and it’s not right for http work.
On another note. Dates such as “created” and “updated”. In you REST APIdocs, is says they are string, e.g. http://backendless.com/documentation/data/rest/data_basic_search.htm
However, when I retrieve them, they come back as large integers, assuming millisecs / system time?
Backendless serializes dates using unix timestamps
To which timezone? how do I get that information?
If I’m in another timezone, how do I sync times?
It is always in UTC. If you’re another timezone, just apply the timezone offset.
GMT-0 of course
I need to figure out the difference