Why “isError” is false, and how can I know programmatically when I have an error or when all works fine?
I’m calling uri https://api.backendless.com/v1/data/Config with POST method with data: {“clave”:“TEST 1456246714”,“valor”:“valor 1456246714”,“descripcion”:“Testeando create object en backendless”}
My app-id is 6D0A276D-A01B-E2AF-FF2B-3E2D5F842A00.
I’ve opened an internal task for your issue and we are working on it. We shall investigate this problem.
Can you please tell us which way do you execute the request? Do you have this problem when invoking it using “curl” utility as described in docs?
best regards,
I’ve just tried with an other table and it worked fine, so I imagine the problem may be in something on the table structure or the data I try to create, not in the way I did the call.