REST API - How can I check if user token is still valid?

Hi everyone,
Is there any Backendless Rest API endpoint where I can verify if a user token is still valid?

I would also like to know if there is an error number I will always get if I make a request with an invalid user token.

Thanks you all very much

Hi, Nicolas,

Yes, there is such route:<version_name>/users/isvalidusertoken/<user_token>, which will return you true or false.
<version_name> is the name of your version, like “v1”,
<user_token> is the user token you want to check.

Sergey Chupov thanks for your reply. I have one more question, I noticed that if I make a request with an invalid user token, Backendless would return an error code 3064. Am I always going to get this error in any endpoint? If so, I could set my app to always handle this error by sending the user to login screen.

Thanks you very much!

Hi Nikols.
Yes, you could. Also, add this check for error with code 3091 (“Session timeout”).

Thanks you all very much for your help!