So i’m testing out my project and i’m updating one field of the user with this…
def update_user_object(self, data): """ Updates a field for the logged in user. :param data: dictionary with format {"field":"value","field2":"value2"} :type data: dict :return: Json response :rtype : dict """ if self.activeLogin: headers = self.userHeaders requestUrl = self.baseUrl + "/users/" + str(self.objectId) response = self.put_request(requestUrl, headers, json.dumps(data)) if type(response) == requests.models.Response: response = response.json() return response else: return {'error': "Must log in before updating user objects"}
with data parameter set as:
data = {}
data[“golden”] = new_amount
all works okay… but the response takes a while and is really long…
a simple update of one user field results in a response of:
{‘character_data’: {‘hat_type’: 3, ‘hair_type’: 6, ‘head_type’: 21, ‘legs_type’: 0, ‘hair_color’: 16725881, ‘legs_color’: 2050295, ‘torso_type’: 16, ‘torso_color’: 1531647, ‘character_name’: ‘JesterOC’}, ‘lastLogin’: 1624336806000, ‘userStatus’: ‘ENABLED’, ‘created’: 1615400957000, ‘displayName’: ‘JesterOC’, ‘init_user_upon_login’: True, ‘accountType’: ‘BACKENDLESS’, ‘avatar’: None, ‘ownerId’: ‘B7A24F67-7D8C-4E91-9647-057871EB48E0’, ‘socialAccount’: ‘BACKENDLESS’, ‘oAuthIdentities’: None, ‘WAXaddress’: ‘5n3sg.wam’, ‘ETHaddress’: ‘0xe5ae6e6826b27d064c59a1d161a97e2c29057985’, ‘nickname’: None, ‘golden’: 25, ‘___class’: ‘Users’, ‘blUserLocale’: ‘en’, ‘updated’: 1624336819000, ‘objectId’: ‘B7A24F67-7D8C-4E91-9647-057871EB48E0’, ‘email’: ‘’}
Am i missing something in my code that I need to add to have a response with only updated field(s) in the response?
Thanks in advance, JesterOC