Rest Console 4.0 shows no results by simple GET ?!

Rest Console 4.0 shows no results by simple GET after migration from 3.x.

Hi Raymond,

Could you please check if all the system roles are present at Users > Security Roles?

There is a known bug that if something fails during the migration process the roles are not created. I can see how it could impact the functionality of REST Console (and the rest of the app for that matter).


Hi Mark,

Don’t if now if ALL the system roles are shown ?!
See attached screenshot.

TIA $regs ray

Hi Raymond,

Can you please share your application ID on version 4?

Hi Sergey,


$regs ray

I just ran GET request from rest console against each of your tables and got results. Can you please specify the problem table?


I don’t see a result , even if it looks like that the “GET” is working ?!