REST for 'Users' table

A clarification would be appreciated here for someone not at all technical. I have an Appgyver front end and utilise the ‘Users’ table for registration, login, etc.

Recently I added an API for the user to delete their account and after a few hours (or a day!), somehow managed to realise that I was missing the ‘data’ in my URL for what Appgyver calls the ‘DELETE RECORD (DELETE)’ api;*******************/data/users/{objectId}

Things is, in my ‘UPDATE RECORD (PUT)’ api, I don’t have ‘data’ and it works just fine;*******************/users/{objectId}

Same for all my other APIs to the ‘Users’ table…that is how I have always done it since I first created the register and login APIs using the available documentation. My register API for example is***********/users/register/[id]

Not being techincal, I learn this stuff a lot of the time just looking for patters of how things work, so this inconsistency has blown my mind!


Hi, @Paul_McCullen

The difference is in the API of the service you are accessing. In the first case, the User Service API is called users/{{objectId}}, and in the second, the Database API is called data/users/{{objectId}}.

Please take a look to the docs hope docs with API examples help you:
